Via Voice Message

This accent assessment is ideal for those seeking professional feedback on their accent, along with recommendations for improvement.

It's perfect for individuals who are short on time and unable to schedule a one-on-one introduction call, as well as for those who prefer to study independently but need guidance with their accent.

This service provides a helpful first step for anyone looking to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of their spoken English.

This assessment is priced at $25 AUD.

Step 1: Complete the form

This step is mandatory. if you don’t complete the form, I cannot move forward with the assessment.

(Note: It’s important to specify the accent you are aiming to achieve, such as Neutral English or General Australian, as this will impact the feedback provided.)

Step 2: Complete the payment

Once you've completed the form, simply add the accent assessment to your shopping cart and proceed with payment.

Accent Assessment
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Accent Assessment
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3. Once you have paid, you will be sent an email with a provided text to record. If you haven’t received the email after 12 hours, please check your spam/junk mailbox otherwise email

4. Within 48 hours after the payment has been received and the voice recording is delivered, you will be emailed detailed feedback and recommendations on what to improve and how. (Please note that depending on my workload with the assessments, it may take me longer to complete the report however I will keep you updated).

Here's what people are saying:

  • LUKE

    Thank you Amanda. This report is outstanding, very detailed and higher quality than what I expected. I’m stunned and now practicing from “Quick”.

    I love this service and it gives me a direction of how to improve my pronunciation.


    Oh my god! This is amazing! Thank you so much!

    I thought it’s going to be a paragraph report but the detailed report is amazing! Plus the recordings😍 can’t thank enough


    I used to work on the TH sound at the start of the word, but I totally missed out on the TH sound at the end of the words like North, Bath. Good that you pointed that out. Linking words and intonation is difficult for me, but I'm determined to improve them.


    I realised I’ve been probably pronouncing the initial “o” sound incorrectly all these years. This is one thing I’ll definitely be able to pay attention to in the future. Also linking and fluency will be improved thanks to this assessment.

MEET YOUR instructor

Amanda | Australian English Teacher

Amanda Boyce - TEFL DipHE

G’day! I'm Amanda, an Australian English teacher with 4 years of experience and a proud holder of a Level 5 TEFL Diploma.

My expertise is in the pronunciation of Australian English, including the accent and cultural aspects. My main goal is to help you improve every aspect of Australian English, from mastering the accent and slang to understanding its history and culture, all while empowering you to excel in your learning journey.

Whether you're beginning your adventure with Australian English or looking to deepen your understanding, I'm here to guide and encourage you every step of the way.

Other ways to WORK WITH ME

The ideal choice if you want a personalised plan that is tailored to your language learning goals.

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Perfect for those who don't have enough time for a 1:1 session but still need feedback on their accent.

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Perfect for those who want to study on their own schedule as due to their flexibility, allowing learners to progress at their own speed, review materials as needed, and balance their studies with personal and professional commitments.

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Perfect for the people who want a more social and interactive learning environment.

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